Eyes4ICU proposal accepted
We are excited to announce that we will participate in Eyes4ICU - a new Europe-wide Doctoral Training Network funded within the European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. The network will bring together researchers from eleven academic institutions in Germany, Slovakia, Poland, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic with nine non-academic partners working in the areas of eye tracking, behavioural and market research, geographic information systems, and recommender systems.
Eyes4ICU will establish gaze and eye information as a core component in future interactive intelligent systems. Surpassing the limits of existing systems, for the first time, gaze-based interaction will be grounded in the cognitive and affective functions of gazing. This requires an active and embodied vision perspective, and an incorporation of application demands. Cutting edge modeling methods from machine learning and artificial intelligence will be at the core of all research conducted, and algorithms and data analysis methods will ensure integrated research within a single framework. This will advance communication by eye tracking as a field and result in European standards for gaze-based communication in a variety of domains disseminated through research and application.
We have two projects in the network and will co-supervise a third at the Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies, Slovakia. The two projects are “Unsupervised Learning of Deep Gaze Behaviour Representations” and “Gaze Behaviour Analysis for Early Diagnosis and Monitoring of Autism” and are currently open for applications (please see our jobs page).
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