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Anna Penzkofer is a PhD student in the Collaborative Artificial Intelligence group since January 2023. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Stuttgart and a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the Technical University Munich (TUM). She has been doing research in the group since her bachelor's degree at the University of Stuttgart in 2018. Her main research interest is in computational modelling of human behaviour, specifically in visual processing. Her research includes applications of cognitive models in Computer Vision and Reinforcement Learning, as well as the development of new computational models and cognitively-inspired representations.

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Machine Perception and Learning (Tutor)Master
Fachpraktikum -- Practical Course Interactive Systems: Computational Theory of Mind and Cognition (Tutor)Master
Mensch-Computer-Interaktion (Teaching Assistant)Bachelor


Cognitively-plausible Mental Image Representations (B.Sc.) Sawelij Mödinger
Neural Reasoning with Cognitively-inspired Representations (B.Sc.) Levi Otterbach+
Leveraging Biologically-plausible Representations for Robust and Efficient Generalization in Reinforcement Learning (M.Sc.) Nan Jiang*
Evaluation of Different Image Representations for Reinforcement Learning Agents (M.Sc.) Jayakumar Ramasamy Sundararaj*
Biologically Plausible Reinforcement Learning (B.Sc.) Tobias Stegmaier
An Adaptive Model of Gaze-based Selection (INFOTECH Project) Jayakumar Ramasamy Sundararaj
*Co-supervised with Constantin Ruhdorfer +Co-supervised with Matteo Bortoletto

Open Thesis Projects

Cognitive Attention Guided Imitation LearningMaster
Prioritized Trajectory Replay with Neuro-Inspired RepresentationMaster
A Vector Symbolic Algebra for Language ModelsMaster


  1. Int-HRL: Towards Intention-based Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

    Int-HRL: Towards Intention-based Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

    Anna Penzkofer, Simon Schaefer, Florian Strohm, Mihai Bâce, Stefan Leutenegger, Andreas Bulling

    Neural Computing and Applications (NCAA), 36, pp. 1–7, 2024.

    Abstract Links BibTeX Project

  1. VSA4VQA: Scaling A Vector Symbolic Architecture To Visual Question Answering on Natural Images

    VSA4VQA: Scaling A Vector Symbolic Architecture To Visual Question Answering on Natural Images

    Anna Penzkofer, Lei Shi, Andreas Bulling

    Proc. 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), 2024.

    Abstract Links BibTeX Project Oral Presentation

  2. MultiMediate’24: Multi-Domain Engagement Estimation

    MultiMediate’24: Multi-Domain Engagement Estimation

    Philipp Müller, Michal Balazia, Tobias Baur, Michael Dietz, Alexander Heimerl, Anna Penzkofer, Dominik Schiller, François Brémond, Jan Alexandersson, Elisabeth André, Andreas Bulling

    Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia, pp. 11377 - 11382, 2024.

    Abstract Links BibTeX Project

  1. The Overcooked Generalisation Challenge

    The Overcooked Generalisation Challenge

    Constantin Ruhdorfer, Matteo Bortoletto, Anna Penzkofer, Andreas Bulling

    arxiv:2406.17949, pp. 1-25, 2024.

    Abstract Links BibTeX Project

  1. Int-HRL: Towards Intention-based Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

    Int-HRL: Towards Intention-based Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

    Anna Penzkofer, Simon Schaefer, Florian Strohm, Mihai Bâce, Stefan Leutenegger, Andreas Bulling

    Proc. Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop (ALA), pp. 1–7, 2023.

    Abstract Links BibTeX Project

  1. ConAn: A Usable Tool for Multimodal Conversation Analysis

    ConAn: A Usable Tool for Multimodal Conversation Analysis

    Anna Penzkofer, Philipp Müller, Felix Bühler, Sven Mayer, Andreas Bulling

    Proc. ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), pp. 341-351, 2021.

    Abstract Links BibTeX Project